Helms Home Care is here to assist with long-term and short-term infusion nursing care, as well as private-duty nursing services. Providing professionally trained staff to meet the individual needs of our patients is our highest priority.
Infusion Therapy Nursing
At Helms Home Care, our experienced team of registered nurses, work together with a patient’s physician and pharmacist to provide a variety of in-home infusion services to patients in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Indiana. Infusion therapy involves the administration of medication through a needle or catheter, typically when patients are not able to take medications orally.
We partner with our patients' pharmacy to coordinate delivery of medications and supplies, then send a trained nurse to educate patients, family members and caregivers on the prescribed medication based on the administration method selected to achieve maximum independence.
Some of the conditions and medications our agency is qualified to infuse in the home:
Angioedema (HAE)
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
Crohn's Disease - Biologics
Infectious Diseases - Antibiotics
Continuous Cardiac medications
Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
Enteral Nutrition
Nupogens & Inotropes
Immunodeficiency Disorders - IVIG & SQIG
Private-Duty Nursing
At Helms Home Care, our team of professional skilled nurses and licensed practical nurses provide North Carolina patients with an organized, thorough and comprehensive individualized plan of care created with your specific needs and wants in mind.
Our skilled nursing services include:
Medication management
Wound care
Diabetic care
Pain symptom management
Chronic disease management and therapy
Case management
Private duty nursing